The God Who Comforts Like a Mother

As one whom his mother comforts, so will I comfort you. How is it possible that our heavenly father can comfort as a mother? This question will be answered in – The God who comforts like a mother

From Glory to Glory

2nd Corinthians 3:18But we all, with unveiled face, beholding as in a mirror the glory of the Lord, are being transformed into the same image from glory to glory, just as by the spirit of the Lord Unlike Moses, who had to cover his face until the glory faded there is no more covering forContinue reading “From Glory to Glory”

Learning to Trust God – Stop Worrying (Part B)

Continued from part A Taking Matthew 6: 27, he asks us, which of you by worrying can add one cubit to his stature?He wants to know. Can you bring anything to pass by worrying? Listening to one of Joyce Meyer’s tapes on the topic, the Hope of seeing change, she says it won’t make GodContinue reading “Learning to Trust God – Stop Worrying (Part B)”

An Hour With

I sat on my bed thinking, how time flies, just like that, and I will soon graduate. When I reflect on how I started, it seems just like yesterday. Tick Tock, Tick Tock, chimed my table clock, as if to interrupt me, and then my alarm rang. Wow! It is 10:00 am already; I needContinue reading “An Hour With”

PLACE OF PRAYER – GETHSEMANE (PART C) TEXT: Matthew 26 vs 36 to 46

Conviction in the place of prayer Why did Jesus pray the same words three times? What was the Hour? Having learnt so much from Part A and B, this is the last part of the study. Vs. 42: He went away again the second time and prayed, saying, “O My Father, if this cup cannotContinue reading “PLACE OF PRAYER – GETHSEMANE (PART C) TEXT: Matthew 26 vs 36 to 46”

PLACE OF PRAYER – GETHSEMANE (PART B) TEXT: Matthew 26 vs 36 to 46

PART B: ·         Why did Jesus go a little farther to pray when he had the 3 selected disciples with him? ·         The danger of sleeping in the place of prayer ·         Conviction in the place of prayer Answering the Question from part A He expected that they would and they should pray for him there at theContinue reading “PLACE OF PRAYER – GETHSEMANE (PART B) TEXT: Matthew 26 vs 36 to 46”

PLACE OF PRAYER – GETHSEMANE (PART A) TEXT: Matthew 26 vs. 36 to 46

PART A: ·         What is my place of prayer? ·         Why did Jesus tell his disciples to sit here? ·         Why did Jesus pick only Peter, James, and John from other disciples? ·         Why did Jesus open his heart to only Peter, James, and John and not the other disciples? Explanation What is my place of prayer? It isContinue reading “PLACE OF PRAYER – GETHSEMANE (PART A) TEXT: Matthew 26 vs. 36 to 46”


To wear this crown, we need to: Put the flesh under subjection Directed by the Holy Spirit We must walk in the spirit (Romans 8:1) Acknowledge that without God we are weak (Romans 8:3) We should be spiritually minded (Romans 8:6) We should know that the carnal mind is enmity against God (Romans 8: 7)Continue reading “THE INCORRUPTIBLE CROWN (B)”


Major Text: “And every man that strives for the mastery is temperate in all things. Now they do it to obtain a corruptible crown, but we an incorruptible,” (1st Corinthians 9:25) Highlights ·         What is a crown? ·         What does it mean to be incorruptible? ·         What Apostle Paul meant when he used the word Incorruptible. ·         How as a youth canContinue reading “THE INCORRUPTIBLE CROWN (A)”

Bible Study

Having time for the scripture in this time and age can be so demanding, but creating the time is key to the development of our spiritual and physical growth. Listening and reading the word, personally, with friends and family is like loving God, adoring Him, and giving ourselves to him without holding back. Study toContinue reading “Bible Study”

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